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Boston 36 | The Keen's

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Bedrooms 5
Living Areas 3
Bathrooms 2.5
Car Spaces 2
Home Design
Boston 36
Floorplan options & upgrades
Colour Selections

Brick: Austral Grey Gum

Roof: Bluestone

Front door: Elegant Evening

Cladding: Noble Reign

Garage: Flatline Surfmist

Laura and Latham chose the beautiful Boston 36 design with a re-imagined Classic facade inspired by the Hamptons look. They also personalised their Boston floorplan to suit their family’s long-term needs.

Laura and Latham’s main priorities included larger bedrooms and walk-in robes to allow for growing kids, a home office so they could both work from home and a guest suite downstairs for Latham’s parents to visit from New Zealand.