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Home designs

Showing 13 - 18 of 18 series
Aspire Collection

Barcelona Series

Plan sizes available in this series (m2):
10m+ Lot Width

Barcelona 260


Bedrooms 4
Living Areas 2
Bathrooms 3
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
262.4m2 (28.3sq)
View Design
Barcelona 260
Barcelona 260
Barcelona 260
Lower Level
Upper Level
Barcelona 260
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Barcelona 1200x675-0002-barcelona-28-mantra
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Barcelona 1200x675-0001-barcelona-28-tempo
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Barcelona 1200x675-0000-barcelona-28-bellport
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Barcelona 1200x675-0003-barcelona-28-ava
Mantra facade Tempo facade Bellport facade Ava facade
Mantra facade Tempo facade Bellport facade Ava facade
1 of 4
View Design
10m+ Lot Width

Barcelona 280


Bedrooms 4
Living Areas 3
Bathrooms 3
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
284.1m2 (30.6sq)
View Design
Barcelona 280
Barcelona 280
Barcelona 280
Lower Level
Upper Level
Barcelona 280
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Barcelona 1200x675-0002-barcelona-28-mantra
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Barcelona 1200x675-0001-barcelona-28-tempo
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Barcelona 1200x675-0000-barcelona-28-bellport
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Barcelona 1200x675-0003-barcelona-28-ava
Mantra facade Tempo facade Bellport facade Ava facade
Mantra facade Tempo facade Bellport facade Ava facade
1 of 4
View Design
Luxe Collection

Crestmead Series

Plan sizes available in this series (m2):
14m+ Lot Width

Crestmead 370


Bedrooms 6 +Study
Living Areas 4
Bathrooms 3.5
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
369.5m2 (39.8sq)
View Design
Crestmead 370
Crestmead 370
Crestmead 370
Lower Level
Upper Level
Crestmead 370
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries clarendon-lot-101-photoretouch-02-1200x675
qld display-homes Shoreline Boston-39 facades-1200-x-676-px-0006-boston
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Crestmead-44-MKII-Facade-Paradise-Lakes-357-RGB-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-bayview-1200x675-updated
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Crestmead 1200x675-0007-crestmead-430-classic
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries sheridan-41-oxford-02-cmyk-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-sanctuary-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-dakota-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries BOSTON-43-HAMPTONS-FACADE-RGB-3000PX-1200x675
Gallery facade Lexington facade Eastport facade Bayview facade Classic facade Cambridge facade Sanctuary facade Dakota facade Hamptons facade
Gallery facade Lexington facade Eastport facade Bayview facade Classic facade Cambridge facade Sanctuary facade Dakota facade Hamptons facade
1 of 9
View Design
14m+ Lot Width

Crestmead 410 MKII


Bedrooms 6
Living Areas 5
Bathrooms 4.5
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
407.9m2 (43.9sq)
View Design
Crestmead 410 MKII
Crestmead 410 MKII
Crestmead 410 MKII
Lower Level
Upper Level
Crestmead 410 MKII
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries clarendon-lot-101-photoretouch-02-1200x675
qld display-homes Shoreline Boston-39 facades-1200-x-676-px-0006-boston
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Crestmead-44-MKII-Facade-Paradise-Lakes-357-RGB-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-bayview-1200x675-updated
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Crestmead 1200x675-0007-crestmead-430-classic
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries sheridan-41-oxford-02-cmyk-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-sanctuary-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-dakota-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries BOSTON-43-HAMPTONS-FACADE-RGB-3000PX-1200x675
Gallery facade Lexington facade Eastport facade Bayview facade Classic facade Cambridge facade Sanctuary facade Dakota facade Hamptons facade
Gallery facade Lexington facade Eastport facade Bayview facade Classic facade Cambridge facade Sanctuary facade Dakota facade Hamptons facade
1 of 9
View Design
16m+ Lot Width

Crestmead 430


Bedrooms 6 +Study
Living Areas 5
Bathrooms 4.5
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
427.7m2 (46sq)
View Design
Crestmead 430
Crestmead 430
Crestmead 430
Lower Level
Upper Level
Crestmead 430
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries clarendon-lot-101-photoretouch-02-1200x675
qld display-homes Shoreline Boston-39 facades-1200-x-676-px-0006-boston
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Crestmead-44-MKII-Facade-Paradise-Lakes-357-RGB-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-bayview-1200x675-updated
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Crestmead 1200x675-0007-crestmead-430-classic
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries sheridan-41-oxford-02-cmyk-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-sanctuary-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries BOSTON-43-HAMPTONS-FACADE-RGB-3000PX-1200x675
Gallery facade Lexington facade Eastport facade Bayview facade Classic facade Cambridge facade Sanctuary facade Hamptons facade
Gallery facade Lexington facade Eastport facade Bayview facade Classic facade Cambridge facade Sanctuary facade Hamptons facade
1 of 8
View Design
Luxe Collection

Hawthorne Series

Plan sizes available in this series (m2):
10m+ Lot Width

Hawthorne 260


Bedrooms 4
Living Areas 2
Bathrooms 3
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
264.6m2 (28.5sq)
View Design
Hawthorne 260
Hawthorne 260
Hawthorne 260
Lower Level
Upper Level
Hawthorne 260
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-classic-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-elite-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-hampton-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-newport-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries clarendon-hawthorne-33-malibu-01-v2-01-1200x675-new
Classic facade Lexington facade Hamptons facade Eastport facade Malibu facade
Classic facade Lexington facade Hamptons facade Eastport facade Malibu facade
1 of 5
View Design
10m+ Lot Width

Hawthorne 290


Bedrooms 4
Living Areas 3
Bathrooms 3
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
287.9m2 (31sq)
View Design
Hawthorne 290
Hawthorne 290
Hawthorne 290
Lower Level
Upper Level
Hawthorne 290
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-classic-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-elite-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-hampton-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-newport-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries clarendon-hawthorne-33-malibu-01-v2-01-1200x675-new
Classic facade Lexington facade Hamptons facade Eastport facade Malibu facade
Classic facade Lexington facade Hamptons facade Eastport facade Malibu facade
1 of 5
View Design
10m+ Lot Width

Hawthorne 310


Bedrooms 4
Living Areas 3
Bathrooms 3
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
307.8m2 (33.1sq)
View Design
Hawthorne 310
Hawthorne 310
Hawthorne 310
Lower Level
Upper Level
Hawthorne 310
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-classic-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-elite-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-hampton-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hawthorne-33-newport-facade-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries clarendon-hawthorne-33-malibu-01-v2-01-1200x675-new
Classic facade Lexington facade Hamptons facade Eastport facade Malibu facade
Classic facade Lexington facade Hamptons facade Eastport facade Malibu facade
1 of 5
View Design
Luxe Collection

Sheridan Series

Plan sizes available in this series (m2):
14m+ Lot Width

Sheridan 340


Bedrooms 5 +Study
Living Areas 4
Bathrooms 3.5
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
341.6m2 (36.8sq)
View Design
Sheridan 340
Sheridan 340
Sheridan 340
Lower Level
Upper Level
Sheridan 340
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries brookwater-35-everleigh-404-layered-update-footpath-cmyk-3-windows-bayside-and-boston-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries BOSTON-43-HAMPTONS-FACADE-RGB-3000PX-1200x675
qld display-homes Shoreline Boston-39 facades-1200-x-676-px-0006-boston
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries sheridan-41-oxford-02-cmyk-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-bayview-1200x675-updated
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Crestmead-44-MKII-Facade-Paradise-Lakes-357-RGB-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries clarendon-lot-101-photoretouch-02-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-sanctuary-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Crestmead 1200x675-0007-crestmead-430-classic
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-dakota-1200x675
Contemporary facade Hamptons facade Lexington facade Cambridge facade Bayview facade Eastport facade Gallery facade Sanctuary facade Classic facade Dakota facade
Contemporary facade Hamptons facade Lexington facade Cambridge facade Bayview facade Eastport facade Gallery facade Sanctuary facade Classic facade Dakota facade
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View Design
14m+ Lot Width

Sheridan 380


Bedrooms 5 +Study
Living Areas 4
Bathrooms 3.5
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
383m2 (41.2sq)
View Design
Sheridan 380
Sheridan 380
Sheridan 380
Lower Level
Upper Level
Sheridan 380
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries brookwater-35-everleigh-404-layered-update-footpath-cmyk-3-windows-bayside-and-boston-1200x675
qld display-homes Shoreline Boston-39 facades-1200-x-676-px-0006-boston
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries sheridan-41-oxford-02-cmyk-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-bayview-1200x675-updated
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Crestmead-44-MKII-Facade-Paradise-Lakes-357-RGB-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries clarendon-lot-101-photoretouch-02-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-sanctuary-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Crestmead 1200x675-0007-crestmead-430-classic
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Bayside bayside-dakota-1200x675
Contemporary facade Lexington facade Cambridge facade Bayview facade Eastport facade Gallery facade Sanctuary facade Classic facade Dakota facade
Contemporary facade Lexington facade Cambridge facade Bayview facade Eastport facade Gallery facade Sanctuary facade Classic facade Dakota facade
1 of 9
View Design
Luxe Collection

Hamilton Series

Plan sizes available in this series (m2):
18m+ Lot Width

Hamilton 340


Bedrooms 4 +Study
Living Areas 4
Bathrooms 3.5
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
335m2 (36.1sq)
View Design
Hamilton 340
Hamilton 340
Hamilton 340
Lower Level
Upper Level
Hamilton 340
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Hamilton 1200x675-0005-hamilton-340-classic
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries hamilton-36-newport-04-1200x675
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Hamilton 1200x675-0005-hamilton-36-gallery-04
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Luxe-Collection Double-storey Hamilton 1200x675-0006-hamilton-36-hamptons-04
Classic facade Eastport facade Gallery facade Hamptons facade
Classic facade Eastport facade Gallery facade Hamptons facade
1 of 4
View Design
Aspire Collection

Portland Series

Plan sizes available in this series (m2):
12.5m+ Lot Width

Portland 280


Bedrooms 4
Living Areas 3
Bathrooms 3
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
279.9m2 (30.1sq)
View Design
Portland 280
Portland 280
Portland 280
Lower Level
Upper Level
Portland 280
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0003-portland-tempo
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0002-portland-ava
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0001-portland-keyton-website
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0000-portland-portofino
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0001-portland-bellport
Tempo facade Ava facade Keyton facade Portofino facade Bellport facade
Tempo facade Ava facade Keyton facade Portofino facade Bellport facade
1 of 5
View Design
12.5m+ Lot Width

Portland 320


Bedrooms 4
Living Areas 4
Bathrooms 3
Car Spaces 2
House Dimensions
Total Area
324.4m2 (34.9sq)
View Design
Portland 320
Portland 320
Portland 320
Lower Level
Upper Level
Portland 320
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0003-portland-tempo
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0002-portland-ava
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0001-portland-keyton-website
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0000-portland-portofino
qld Home-Designs Facade-galleries Aspire-Collection Portland 1200x675-0001-portland-bellport
Tempo facade Ava facade Keyton facade Portofino facade Bellport facade
Tempo facade Ava facade Keyton facade Portofino facade Bellport facade
1 of 5
View Design

Frequently asked questions

What makes a good double storey home design?

A good double storey home design is one that not only suits, but enhances your family’s lifestyle. A good double storey home design should create an inviting space for your family to come together for a movie night, while still offering everyone their own private space to relax and unwind. 

Our double storey home designs are modern, functional and creatively designed. Partnering with leading brands in design and technology, we ensure that each of our homes comes with high quality features, fixtures and fittings. Over the last four decades, quality has always been our number one priority. And we’re so confident in our quality assurance that our homes are backed by a Lifetime Structural Guarantee*, for your peace of mind.

What is the best double storey home design in Brisbane?

As Queensland’s premier double storey home builder, we offer an extensive range of double storey home designs that suit an array of lifestyles, land sizes and budgets. Understanding what the best double storey home design is will be unique to each family. If you enjoy hosting family events at your home, opt for a design that features a luxurious open plan kitchen, living and dining with a grand alfresco, such as our Grande 530, on display at Bridgeman Downs (Lomandra Park estate). Or if you need a large home with six bedrooms for the whole family, walk through our Crestmead 420 on display at our Spring Mountain (Springfield Rise estate) display centre. 

Can you build a double storey home for $300k - $400k?

As Queensland’s premier double storey home builder for over 45 years, we have continuously provided our customers with excellent value for money. We believe in full transparency with our prices, and that’s why we hand out our price lists with pleasure. Because we’re a large volume home builder, we offer a great range of beautiful double storey homes that have a base price between $300k - $400k, making it easier than ever before for first home buyers to get their foot in the property market door with a top quality home. 

View our current price lists

How much does it cost to build a double storey home in Brisbane?

There are various factors that determine the cost of building a double storey home in Brisbane. For example, the size of the home, which inclusion level you choose, the addition of any floor plan options and which facade you select will all alter the final price of your home. For more information, visit your nearest display centre and talk to one of our friendly sales consultants who can provide you with an obligation free quote.

How to choose a double storey home design with Clarendon Homes

At Clarendon Homes, we make choosing your new home easier than ever! If you already  have a block of land, we can help you find a home design that fits neatly onto your lot with all the features your family needs. On the other hand, if you are still in the process of finding the perfect block of land, we can help you find a home design that suits your family first, so you know what type of block you need to fit it on. Either way, these simple steps will help you in the right direction towards building your forever home with Clarendon Homes Queensland.  

Step 1: Choose your floor plan

Each of our double storey home designs incorporate plenty of space for your family to spread out, so understanding what features you want in your floor plan is important. If you’re big on entertaining, consider an open plan kitchen, living and dining with a grand alfresco, as featured in our beautiful Boston 400. If you appreciate a luxury master suite with his and hers walk in robes, or need a separate study room, explore our cleverly designed Parkhill 310. Our double storey homes have been intricately designed to maximise your living space while suiting an array of lot sizes, budgets and lifestyles.

Step 2: Choose your street appeal

Next, you’ll be able to enhance your home’s street appeal by choosing a facade from our beautiful range of design options. Whether you prefer a modern style like the Harvard facade on the Bayside 360 MKII, or have fallen in love with the sophisticated Hamptons facade on our Boston 400, you’ll be sure to find the perfect design that suits your unique style. 

Step 3: Choose promotions

Create the home of your dreams with our unbeatable value and unmissable deals. Visit our Promotions page for the very latest in home upgrades, discounts and bonuses to add the cherry on top of your brand new Clarendon home. 

Step 4: Download your obligation free estimate

Lastly, download your obligation free estimate and see a clear breakdown of the cost of your home. Then, take your estimate into your nearest display centre and our expert team of new home consultants will be able to provide further information around pricing, inclusions, promotions, upgrades and more! 

Where to next: Find your nearest display home

After you’ve found the perfect home design and downloaded your obligation free estimate, head into your nearest display centre and chat to one of our professional new home consultants who will be able to answer any questions and help you bring your dream home to life. We have display locations all over South East Queensland, including the Sunshine Coast, north and south Brisbane, Greenbank, Springfield and down to the Gold Coast. Wherever you are in South East Queensland we have a display centre near you.